Fresh Fish for Sale
A selection of our absolutely highest-quality seafood — Salmon, Trout, Bass, and a fresh, changing roster of incredible fresh fish for sale, sent straight to you.
Every single variety of fresh fish for sale we offer follows one simple principle — if you wanted it any fresher, you’d need to catch it yourself.
And not only that, you’d have to catch all your fresh fish in some of North America’s best fishing spots: Salmon from the famous Copper River of Alaska, Sturgeon from the Snake river plains of Idaho, or Ruby Red Rainbow Trout, straight from the Magic Valley region of Idaho. For more on the storied origins of these famous fish, take a look at our in-depth insight pages: one for Salmon, one for Trout, and one for Striped Bass.
Along with Cultured Striped Bass, Farm 2 Market offers you some of the highest quality fresh fish for sale, straight from our hand-picked, trusted fishermen — always shipped right to your home. Every single fish is packed for delivery just moments after harvest — this is truly the freshest fish to ever arrive in your kitchen.