Buy Fresh Alaska Salmon Online
Far into the vast interior of Alaska, gripping the side of the Wrangell Mountains, melting glaciers spawn the powerful Copper River, one ancient droplet at a time. Streaming through the Saint Elias range, the Copper makes a 300-mile journey before plunging 3,600 feet into the sea. To these churning waters, formerly finger-sized baby salmon that left their upstream birthplace four to five years ago, now return from their ocean migration as full-grown adults, primed to navigate the mighty Copper River.
The Amazing Wild Alaskan Salmon Run
Every year around April, the fabled King Salmon return. Then the renowned Sockeye, and finally the glistening Silver. One after the other, these wild Alaskan Salmon valiantly “run” the Copper River. The Alaska Department of Fish & Game carefully regulates this valuable resource with an eye towards long term sustainability. Using a sonar fish counter, they ensure that large numbers hatch their eggs. In the last two years, the total catch has actually increased.
How F2M Gets Unsurpassed Flavor
The salmon “runs” at Copper River have become world-class culinary events. Most fish are sold directly to Japan. F2M has joined forces with Alaskan fishermen Jeff Bailey and Sue Laird to provide gourmet food hobbyists the finest, most carefully selected salmon ever. In season, fresh wild salmon and fish will be shipped directly to FARM 2 MARKET customers by overnight delivery. Fresh Alaska salmon swimming in 30 feet of the Copper River one day, can be served for dinner the next. Their flavor is unsurpassed. Studies have proven that people who eat fish like fresh Alaska salmon at least once per week live longer. Fresh wild Alaskan salmon have an Omega oil content that is off the chart. Do yourself a favor, from mid-April till early October, eat fresh wild Copper River Alaska salmon.