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Shrimp and Scallops: Which Type of Seafood is For You?
Seafood enthusiasts are constantly debating which is the better type of seafood between shrimp and scallops. While some people enjoy both of these delicious seafood options, they vary greatly in their biological makeup, flavor profile, and texture, which can lead many people to favor one sea creature over the other.
What is the Difference Between Crawfish and Crayfish?
Crawfish is a popular seafood item, which is widely celebrated in the Southern states with hearty boils and traditional gumbo recipes. These small, lobster-like crustaceans can cause some confusion among seafood lovers as they go by several different names. Although the terms crawfish and crayfish refer to the same animal, they should not necessarily be used interchangeably.
How to Store and Care for Fresh Seafood
Fresh seafood can be a wonderful option for cooking at home, however, many people do not know how to properly store or care for their seafood to ensure optimal freshness and food safety. At Farm-2-Market, we ensure your seafood is delivered at the peak of freshness and arrives at your doorstep in safe packaging.
Everything You Need to Know About Shellfish
Everything You Need to Know About Blue Point Oysters
Blue Point oysters have been a popular choice for oyster lovers since the 1800s. With their distinctly briny flavor and rich history, it's no wonder why many oyster producers are guilty of illegitimately adapting their name.